Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dog Pâte...Get your Dog Pâte Right Here!

Let me explain...if you've been following my blog you already understand JD & I are convinced our 4 pups are our kids and treat them as such (however, we don't plan on teaching them to drive...any time soon). It only makes sense that we devise yummy recipes for them as well.

You see, I grew up in a french cultured household. This gave me many opportunities to experience amazing food à la Julia Child. While I was enjoying fois gras & grenouille my young school friends were gnawing on PB&J's (i still don't have a taste for those). Anyway, this was back in the day when tans were in & sunscreen [unless it was baby oil...EGADS!] was out. These foods along with being pale & freckled with about a 3 second tolerance for the sun led me to be labeled...odd. I prefer to think of it as "avant garde" and it's a badge i'm proud to wear to this day. Sooooo pâte for dogs it is!

I made up this recipe for our youngest Pierre the Pom (no, the picture is of Harley while I was feeding him some pâte. He had it all over his face & didn't really want his picture taken since there was still some on the spoon). Pierre has seizures & in order to give him his daily meds I needed to devise a scathingly marvelous medicine conveyor. What better than pâte you ask?.....Mais Oui!! I knew you'd understand.

Here was the criteria: 1) Yummy 2) no preservatives of any kind & 3) organic - something JD & I believe in for us so it quite simply must apply to the rest of the family. So without further ado...Pâte a la Maison Mutt:

1 tub chicken livers simmered in 1-1/2 cups chicken broth until all pink is gone. Drain & let cool. Here is where you can put on your chef hat using these different mix ins:
1) About 6 oz cream cheese & finely chopped parsley. OR
2) About 6 oz peanut butter OR
3) About 6 oz cream cheese & powdered garlic.

I use my blender but a food processor is fine. Grind up together and put in an air tight container. This amount lasts about a week in our home. It's really about what your pup will eat & the consistency they will enjoy. Play with the amount of cream cheese or peanut butter to get the texture your pup will like. Add other pet safe foods. I fill their Kong bones with this treat & the kids LOVE it. Bone appetit! [yes i spelled it wrong on purpose ;)]

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