Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunny Disposition! - Spotlight on Woodford Humane

Sunny is a great name for this girl... even when skies are gray, she'll brighten up your day! Sunny always has a wagging tail and a pink licking tongue to offer a new friend, but what she really wants is that special new best friend to walk through the door and take her home for good.

If you're looking for an energetic, outgoing Lab lady to keep you company, Sunny is the perfect dog for the job! She would love to be your canine sidekick on all of life's adventures.

Go meet Sunny at Woodford Humane's Adoption Center today, or call them at 859/873-5491 to find out more about her!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Niki, what a sweet face Sunny has! I love dogs SO much and hope she finds the perfect forever home.


    Sheila :-)


Merci♥ J'adore your comments & I'll be sure to get back to you tout de suite!