Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Happy Independence Day - For Your Dogs

Apple pie! Hot Dogs! Fireworks!

Our pups love two out of three of these things. Can you guess which is their least favorite? Well, to be honest, only one of our dogs is less than enthusiastic about fireworks (he doesn't like thunder, the trash truck, or my Ninja either). Sadly for him, I want all these things in my life.

Yup, Pierre our Pomeranian is not a fan of big, loud booming sounds. So I guess playing my John Phillips Sousa cd loudly is out. Drats.

We have applied a few tricks to keeping him happy during this loud display of patriotic splendor. We turn on the radio (is it still called a radio? do we call it the MP3 or iPod?  Using the word stereo almost feels like I'm saying gramophone).  Have I mentioned my disdain for technology? You get lucky today...I will refrain from my usual tirade of dislike for anything with a "mother board".

Anyway, we leave some soothing music playing as well as the lights on and some well placed treats in odd areas so the pups can play hide & sniff.  Trying to find the cleverly stashed treats keeps them occupied for quite some time!  

Mr. Mutts favorite way to handle Pierres dislike of all things booming is to excuse himself so he can:"Go take care of the little guy". Which, in man speak, means:
they both take a nap on the couch.  

Ya know, after all that cooking and barbequing...I may offer to "Go take care of the little guy" myself!

Have a great 4th of July and be sure to think of your favorite furbaby before you head out to celebrate one of our nations finest days.

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